Phoenix luxury apartment developers rolling out new units

A glut of apartment units forced management companies and owners to sell assets during the economic downturn, but now luxury brands Mark-Taylor Residential Inc. and Trillium Residential are bringing new developments to the market.

Read the rest of the article here: Phoenix Business Journal luxury apartment developers story



Construction in Indian Country Conference addresses the need to ‘grow on our own’

The Construction in Indian Country initiative, now approaching its first decade of success, started with a roundtable of a few wise men- former Navajo Nation Chairman Peterson Zah; community manager for the Gila River Indian Country, Urban Giff; and Jeff Begay, a Navajo reservation native from Teestow (Big Cottonwood Tree). The three discussed mistrust, misconception, and misunderstanding between Indian leaders and construction industry personnel.  Jeff Begay is also the Kitchell’s business development manager in its Native American Division

Read the rest of the article here.