Tech Tips
By: Geoff Bachanas – Project Manager
Geoff Bachanas has more than six years of experience in the construction industry.
Building on an existing site presents challenges. Building on an existing site without having asbuilt information is nearly impossible. As-built drawings and reference documents are imperative to ensuring the success of a project on an existing site.
At Crafton Hills College (CHC), a college within the SBCCD, the construction projects associated with Measure P were the first major projects since the campus opened in 1972. Thankfully, SBCCD understood the importance of having clear and comprehensive as-built information. The District’s consultant prepared as-built information complete with a detailed underground utility plan and documentation of all existing buildings. This planning was instrumental in avoiding unforeseen conditions that, if discovered during construction, would have been detrimental to both the construction schedule and budget.
Electronic as-built documentation
As-built information was compiled in electronic format, including AutoCAD drawings, PDFs of relevant product information/data and electronic pictures. An electronic database was created, making the as-built information more accessible to the architects and engineers. This exercise required significant initial investment but, in my opinion, was money well spent.
Avoiding unforeseen conditions
The new underground utility corridor, which stretched across the entire length of the campus, likely benefited most from the as-built documentation. Layout and elevation conflicts with existing utilities were dealt with during the design phase, removing a significant number of unforeseen conditions during construction.