SAN DIEGO (June 3, 2011) – Beginning June 6 Kitchell will start on the first of several projects leading up to the construction of the UC San Diego Jacobs Medical Center Tower and Central Utility Plant.
The projects have been coined “Make Ready Projects” and they include nine projects varying in size and scope that are required to be complete in order to begin construction on the 506,000 square-foot Medical Center. The Make Ready Projects consist of a new O2 yard, new food service loading dock, cooling tower relocation, two new mobile MRI pads, emergency egress relocation and several utility relocation projects including relocation of the main power and telecom feeds to the existing Thornton Hospital.
The construction value of these projects is $6.5M and most of the projects will be complete prior to breaking ground on the Medical Center in March 2012 and Central Utility Plant in June 2012.